Remote Work and Connectivity: Best Practices for Maintaining Team Cohesion Online


In an era where remote work has transitioned from a temporary solution to a permanent fixture in many organizations, maintaining team cohesion has become a critical challenge. The shift to online workspaces has brought about a myriad of opportunities and obstacles, fundamentally altering how teams communicate, collaborate, and connect. As physical office spaces give way to virtual environments, the need for effective strategies to foster a sense of unity and shared purpose among remote team members has never been more pressing.

This article delves into the best practices for maintaining team cohesion in a remote work setting, exploring the tools, techniques, and mindsets that can help bridge the physical divide. By understanding and implementing these practices, organizations can ensure that their teams remain engaged, productive, and connected, regardless of where they are located.

The Importance of Team Cohesion in Remote Work

Enhances Communication

Effective communication is the backbone of any successful team, and it becomes even more critical in a remote work environment. Team cohesion fosters open and transparent communication channels, ensuring that team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, feedback, and concerns. This open dialogue helps to prevent misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page, which is essential for maintaining productivity and achieving common goals.

Boosts Morale and Engagement

Team cohesion significantly impacts employee morale and engagement. When team members feel connected and part of a cohesive unit, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to their work. This sense of belonging can reduce feelings of isolation that often accompany remote work, leading to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. Engaged employees are also more likely to go above and beyond in their roles, contributing to the overall success of the team.

Facilitates Collaboration and Innovation

A cohesive team is more likely to collaborate effectively, leveraging each member’s strengths and expertise to achieve better outcomes. This collaborative spirit is crucial for innovation, as it encourages the sharing of diverse perspectives and ideas. In a remote work setting, where spontaneous interactions are less frequent, intentional efforts to build team cohesion can lead to more creative problem-solving and innovative solutions.

Increases Accountability and Trust

Trust is a fundamental component of team cohesion. When team members trust each other, they are more likely to hold themselves and their colleagues accountable for their work. This mutual accountability ensures that tasks are completed on time and to a high standard, which is particularly important in a remote work environment where direct supervision is limited. Trust also reduces the need for micromanagement, allowing team members to work more autonomously and efficiently.

Supports Mental Health and Well-being

Remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness and stress, which can negatively impact mental health and well-being. A cohesive team provides a support network that can help mitigate these challenges. Regular check-ins, virtual social activities, and a culture of empathy and understanding can make a significant difference in how team members cope with the demands of remote work. This support system is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and overall well-being.

Improves Performance and Productivity

When a team is cohesive, members are more likely to work together effectively towards common objectives. This alignment and unity can lead to improved performance and productivity, as team members are more likely to be aligned with the team’s goals and motivated to achieve them. Cohesion also helps to streamline workflows and reduce redundancies, making the team more efficient and effective in their tasks.

Strengthens Organizational Culture

Team cohesion plays a vital role in reinforcing and strengthening organizational culture, even in a remote work setting. A strong, cohesive team embodies the values and principles of the organization, serving as a microcosm of the larger company culture. This alignment helps to maintain a consistent and positive organizational culture, which is crucial for attracting and retaining top talent, as well as for achieving long-term business success.

Effective Communication Tools and Platforms

Video Conferencing Tools


Zoom has become a staple for remote teams, offering high-quality video and audio conferencing. It supports large meetings, breakout rooms, and screen sharing, making it ideal for team meetings, webinars, and one-on-one check-ins.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams integrates seamlessly with Office 365, providing video conferencing, chat, and file sharing in one platform. It supports large-scale meetings and offers features like background blur and meeting recording.

Google Meet

Google Meet is a robust video conferencing tool that integrates with Google Workspace. It offers real-time captions, screen sharing, and the ability to join meetings directly from a calendar invite.

Instant Messaging Platforms


Slack is a popular messaging platform that supports real-time communication through channels, direct messages, and threads. It integrates with numerous third-party apps, allowing for seamless workflow automation and collaboration.

Microsoft Teams Chat

Beyond video conferencing, Microsoft Teams also offers a powerful chat feature. It supports threaded conversations, file sharing, and integration with other Microsoft Office tools, making it a comprehensive communication solution.


Originally designed for gamers, Discord has found a place in professional settings due to its robust voice, video, and text chat capabilities. It supports server-based organization, making it easy to manage different teams and projects.

Project Management and Collaboration Tools


Trello uses a card and board system to help teams manage tasks and projects. It supports real-time updates, file attachments, and integrations with other tools like Slack and Google Drive.


Asana is a project management tool that helps teams organize work, track progress, and collaborate on tasks. It offers features like task assignments, due dates, and project timelines. is a versatile work operating system that allows teams to build custom workflows. It supports task management, time tracking, and collaboration, making it suitable for various types of projects.

File Sharing and Document Collaboration

Google Drive

Google Drive offers cloud storage and file sharing, with real-time collaboration on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations through Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. It integrates with Google Workspace for seamless workflow management.


Dropbox provides secure file storage and sharing, with features like file recovery, version history, and integration with tools like Slack and Zoom. It supports real-time collaboration through Dropbox Paper.

Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive integrates with Microsoft Office, offering cloud storage and file sharing. It supports real-time collaboration on Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents, making it easy for teams to work together.

Comprehensive Communication Suites

Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 combines tools like Teams, Outlook, OneDrive, and Office applications into a single suite. It supports communication, collaboration, and productivity, making it a comprehensive solution for remote teams.

Google Workspace

Google Workspace offers a suite of tools including Gmail, Google Meet, Google Drive, and Google Docs. It supports seamless communication and collaboration, with real-time updates and integration across all tools.

Zoho Workplace

Zoho Workplace provides a range of tools for communication and collaboration, including Zoho Mail, Zoho Cliq, and Zoho Docs. It supports real-time collaboration, file sharing, and project management, making it a versatile solution for remote teams.

Strategies for Building and Maintaining Trust

Clear and Consistent Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of trust in any team, especially in a remote work environment. Establishing clear channels for communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and reduces misunderstandings. Regular updates, whether through emails, team meetings, or project management tools, help keep everyone informed about ongoing projects and any changes that may occur. Consistency in communication also means setting expectations for response times and availability, which helps in managing workloads and deadlines effectively.

Transparency and Openness

Transparency fosters trust by creating an environment where team members feel informed and valued. Sharing information about company goals, project statuses, and even challenges can help build a sense of collective responsibility and ownership. Openness also involves being honest about mistakes and setbacks, which can encourage a culture of learning and continuous improvement. When leaders are transparent, it sets a precedent for the entire team to follow, promoting a culture of honesty and integrity.

Regular Check-Ins and One-on-Ones

Regular check-ins and one-on-one meetings are crucial for maintaining personal connections and understanding individual team members’ needs and concerns. These meetings provide an opportunity for managers to offer support, give feedback, and recognize achievements. They also allow team members to voice any issues or ideas they may have, fostering a sense of inclusion and respect. Personalized interactions help in building stronger relationships and trust between team members and their leaders.

Setting Clear Expectations and Goals

Setting clear expectations and goals helps in aligning the team’s efforts and provides a roadmap for success. When team members know what is expected of them and what they are working towards, it reduces ambiguity and increases accountability. Clear goals also make it easier to measure progress and celebrate achievements, which can boost morale and trust within the team. It is important to ensure that these goals are realistic and achievable, to avoid unnecessary stress and burnout.

Encouraging Collaboration and Teamwork

Encouraging collaboration and teamwork is essential for building trust in a remote work environment. Utilizing collaborative tools and platforms can help facilitate teamwork and ensure that everyone is contributing to the project. Team-building activities, even virtual ones, can help strengthen relationships and foster a sense of camaraderie. When team members work together and support each other, it builds a sense of trust and mutual respect.

Recognizing and Rewarding Contributions

Recognition and rewards play a significant role in building trust and motivation within a team. Acknowledging individual and team achievements, whether through public recognition in meetings or through more formal reward systems, shows that their efforts are valued. This not only boosts morale but also encourages a culture of appreciation and trust. It is important to ensure that recognition is fair and consistent, to avoid any feelings of favoritism or bias.

Providing Opportunities for Professional Development

Providing opportunities for professional development shows that the organization is invested in the growth and success of its team members. Offering training programs, workshops, and opportunities for career advancement can help build trust and loyalty. When team members feel that their personal and professional development is supported, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to the team’s success.

Building a Culture of Accountability

A culture of accountability is essential for maintaining trust in a remote work environment. This involves setting clear expectations, providing the necessary resources and support, and holding team members accountable for their actions and deliverables. Accountability should be seen as a positive aspect of the team culture, where everyone is responsible for their contributions and is committed to the team’s success. This helps in building a sense of trust and reliability within the team.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

Promoting work-life balance is crucial for maintaining trust and well-being in a remote work environment. Encouraging flexible working hours, respecting personal time, and providing support for mental health and well-being can help build a positive and trusting work culture. When team members feel that their personal lives are respected and supported, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and loyal to the team.

Virtual Team-Building Activities

Icebreaker Questions

Icebreaker questions are a simple yet effective way to get team members to open up and share a bit about themselves. These questions can range from light-hearted and fun to more thoughtful and introspective. Examples include:

  • “What’s your favorite book or movie and why?”
  • “If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?”
  • “What’s one thing on your bucket list?”

These questions can be asked at the beginning of virtual meetings to set a positive tone and encourage interaction.

Virtual Coffee Breaks

Virtual coffee breaks mimic the informal interactions that happen naturally in an office setting. Schedule short, casual video calls where team members can chat about non-work-related topics. This helps to build relationships and foster a sense of community. Tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams can facilitate these virtual gatherings.

Online Games and Quizzes

Engaging in online games and quizzes can be a fun way to build camaraderie. Platforms like Kahoot! or Quizizz allow you to create custom quizzes that can be tailored to your team’s interests. Other options include:

  • Virtual escape rooms
  • Online trivia contests
  • Multiplayer video games

These activities can be scheduled as part of regular team meetings or as standalone events.

Virtual Workshops and Learning Sessions

Organizing virtual workshops and learning sessions can provide team members with opportunities to develop new skills while bonding with colleagues. Topics can range from professional development to personal interests, such as:

  • Coding bootcamps
  • Cooking classes
  • Art and craft workshops

Inviting guest speakers or experts can add value and make these sessions more engaging.

Collaborative Projects

Assigning collaborative projects that require team members to work together can strengthen bonds and improve communication. These projects can be work-related or purely for fun, such as:

  • Creating a team newsletter
  • Developing a group presentation on a shared interest
  • Participating in a virtual hackathon

Using project management tools like Trello or Asana can help keep everyone organized and on track.

Virtual Fitness Challenges

Encouraging physical activity through virtual fitness challenges can promote health and well-being while fostering team spirit. Examples include:

  • Step-count competitions
  • Online yoga or workout classes
  • Virtual 5K runs

Tracking progress through apps like Strava or Fitbit can add a competitive element and motivate team members to participate.

Show and Tell

A virtual show and tell session allows team members to share something personal or meaningful with the group. This could be a hobby, a recent project, or even a favorite recipe. These sessions can help team members learn more about each other and build deeper connections.

Virtual Happy Hours

Virtual happy hours provide a relaxed setting for team members to unwind and socialize. These can be themed events, such as:

  • Wine and cheese tasting
  • Cocktail making classes
  • Game nights

Using breakout rooms in video conferencing tools can create smaller groups for more intimate conversations.

Recognition and Awards

Recognizing and celebrating achievements can boost morale and foster a positive team culture. Virtual award ceremonies or shout-outs during meetings can acknowledge individual and team accomplishments. Consider creating fun, personalized awards to make the experience more memorable.

Book or Movie Clubs

Starting a virtual book or movie club can provide a shared experience for team members to discuss and enjoy together. Choose a book or movie each month and schedule a discussion session to share thoughts and insights. This can spark interesting conversations and help team members bond over common interests.

Best Practices for Online Meetings


Set Clear Objectives

Before scheduling a meeting, define its purpose and objectives. This helps in keeping the meeting focused and ensures that all participants understand the expected outcomes.

Create an Agenda

Draft a detailed agenda and share it with participants ahead of time. This allows everyone to prepare and contributes to a more structured and efficient meeting.

Choose the Right Tools

Select a reliable video conferencing platform that meets your team’s needs. Ensure that all participants are familiar with the tool and have it installed and tested before the meeting.

Schedule Appropriately

Consider time zones and work hours of all participants when scheduling the meeting. Use scheduling tools to find a time that works for everyone.

During the Meeting

Start on Time

Begin the meeting promptly to respect everyone’s time. This sets a professional tone and encourages punctuality in future meetings.

Assign Roles

Designate roles such as a facilitator, note-taker, and timekeeper. This helps in managing the meeting more effectively and ensures that all important points are documented.

Encourage Participation

Foster an inclusive environment where all participants feel comfortable sharing their thoughts. Use techniques like round-robin or direct questions to engage quieter team members.

Stay on Topic

Stick to the agenda and avoid going off on tangents. If new topics arise, note them down for future discussion to keep the current meeting focused.

Use Visual Aids

Incorporate slides, charts, or other visual aids to make the meeting more engaging and to help illustrate key points.


Summarize Key Points

At the end of the meeting, summarize the main takeaways and any decisions made. This helps in reinforcing the meeting’s objectives and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Assign Action Items

Clearly define and assign any action items or next steps. Specify who is responsible for each task and set deadlines to ensure accountability.

Share Meeting Minutes

Distribute the meeting minutes to all participants and any relevant stakeholders. This provides a record of the discussion and decisions made, and serves as a reference for future meetings.

Gather Feedback

Solicit feedback from participants on the meeting’s effectiveness. Use this input to make improvements for future online meetings.

Encouraging Collaboration and Innovation

Foster Open Communication

Creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas is crucial for fostering collaboration and innovation. Utilize various communication tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom to facilitate open dialogue. Encourage regular check-ins and virtual brainstorming sessions where everyone can contribute without fear of judgment.

Leverage Collaborative Tools

Utilize collaborative tools like Google Workspace, Trello, or Asana to streamline project management and idea sharing. These platforms allow team members to work on documents simultaneously, track project progress, and assign tasks, making it easier to collaborate effectively even when working remotely.

Create a Culture of Trust

Building trust within a remote team is essential for encouraging collaboration and innovation. Trust can be fostered by setting clear expectations, being transparent about goals and challenges, and recognizing individual contributions. When team members trust each other, they are more likely to share ideas and work together towards common objectives.

Encourage Cross-Functional Teams

Forming cross-functional teams can lead to more innovative solutions as it brings together diverse perspectives and skill sets. Encourage team members from different departments to collaborate on projects, which can lead to creative problem-solving and a more holistic approach to tasks.

Implement Regular Brainstorming Sessions

Schedule regular brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas and solutions. Use techniques like mind mapping, SWOT analysis, or the Six Thinking Hats method to structure these sessions and ensure that all voices are heard. Virtual whiteboards like Miro or MURAL can be particularly effective for these activities.

Provide Opportunities for Professional Development

Encourage team members to pursue professional development opportunities that can spark new ideas and approaches. This could include online courses, webinars, or virtual conferences. Supporting continuous learning helps keep the team engaged and brings fresh perspectives to the table.

Recognize and Reward Innovation

Acknowledging and rewarding innovative ideas can motivate team members to think creatively and collaborate more effectively. Implement a recognition program that highlights innovative contributions, whether through shout-outs in team meetings, awards, or other incentives.

Facilitate Informal Interactions

Informal interactions can often lead to spontaneous collaboration and innovation. Create virtual spaces for casual conversations, such as virtual coffee breaks or team-building activities. These interactions help build relationships and can lead to unexpected ideas and collaborations.

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Having clear goals and objectives provides a sense of direction and purpose, which can enhance collaboration and innovation. Ensure that all team members understand the overall vision and how their contributions fit into the bigger picture. This alignment helps in focusing collaborative efforts towards common goals.

Use Feedback Loops

Implementing regular feedback loops can help in refining ideas and improving collaboration. Encourage team members to provide constructive feedback on each other’s work and use this input to iterate and improve. Tools like surveys, retrospectives, and one-on-one meetings can facilitate this process.

Monitoring and Evaluating Team Cohesion

Setting Clear Objectives and KPIs

Establishing clear objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is crucial for monitoring team cohesion. These objectives should align with the overall goals of the organization and be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). KPIs might include metrics such as team engagement levels, collaboration frequency, and the quality of team interactions. Regularly reviewing these KPIs helps in identifying areas where the team is excelling or may need improvement.

Utilizing Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom can provide valuable insights into team cohesion. These tools often come with built-in analytics that track communication patterns, frequency of interactions, and participation in virtual meetings. Monitoring these metrics can help managers understand how effectively the team is communicating and collaborating. For instance, a drop in communication frequency might indicate a potential issue with team cohesion.

Conducting Regular Surveys and Feedback Sessions

Regular surveys and feedback sessions are essential for gauging team sentiment and cohesion. Anonymous surveys can encourage team members to share their honest opinions about the team’s dynamics, communication, and overall morale. Questions should focus on aspects such as trust, collaboration, and support within the team. Feedback sessions, whether one-on-one or in groups, provide an opportunity for open dialogue and can help in addressing any concerns or issues promptly.

Observing Team Interactions

Observing team interactions during virtual meetings and collaborative tasks can offer qualitative insights into team cohesion. Pay attention to how team members communicate, support each other, and resolve conflicts. Look for signs of effective collaboration, such as active participation, mutual respect, and constructive feedback. Conversely, signs of poor cohesion might include frequent misunderstandings, lack of engagement, or visible tension among team members.

Analyzing Project Outcomes

The success of team projects can be a strong indicator of team cohesion. Analyze project outcomes to see if they meet or exceed expectations. Consider factors such as the quality of work, adherence to deadlines, and the ability to overcome challenges. High-performing teams often exhibit strong cohesion, as they can leverage their collective strengths and work effectively towards common goals. Conversely, consistent project delays or subpar outcomes might signal issues with team cohesion.

Leveraging Technology for Real-Time Monitoring

Advanced technologies like AI and machine learning can be leveraged for real-time monitoring of team cohesion. These technologies can analyze communication patterns, sentiment in messages, and other behavioral data to provide real-time insights. For example, AI-driven sentiment analysis can detect changes in team morale by analyzing the tone and content of communications. Real-time dashboards can provide managers with up-to-date information, enabling them to take proactive measures to maintain or improve team cohesion.

Implementing Regular Check-Ins

Regular check-ins, both formal and informal, are vital for maintaining team cohesion. Scheduled one-on-one meetings and team huddles provide opportunities to discuss progress, address concerns, and celebrate achievements. Informal check-ins, such as virtual coffee breaks or casual chats, help in building personal connections and fostering a sense of belonging. These interactions can reveal underlying issues that might not surface in more formal settings, allowing for timely interventions.

FD Capital are a leading London based recruiter of FP&A specialists.

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